Degiats Hailu and Woldemichael feuded to Rule Mereb Mellash
In the year 1856
Degiat Hailu of Tsazzega and Degiat Woldemichael of Hazzega started vying for control of Hamasien and their feud carries on for 20 years.
Having come from the two powerful houses of Hazzega and Tsazzega, who descended from the same ancestry several generations back, Degiat Hailu Tewoldemedhin of Tsazzega (Aba Gala, a.k.a. Aba Habal) and Degiat Woldemichael Solomon of Hazzega (Aba Gomida) started vying for control of Hamsien. Their feud carried on for 20 years. They had both gotten so powerful that they wanted to rule the whole of Mereb Mellash. Although, they had always fought together alongside the emperors of Abyssinia, Degiat Hailu was favored by the emperors, especially Yohannes IV. Degiat Woldemichael resented this. Because of this, he would rebel against the monarch. He would ally himself with the Naibs and Ottoman Egyptians of the coastal areas of the Red Sea.